Salt-Free Water Conditioning May Be the Answer
Hard water is found throughout the world, and in about 85 percent of the United States, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. But despite the need for water softening where hard water is prevalent, conventional ion exchange water softeners are not always the right answer.
For example, multiple cities in California have now banned self-generating water softeners and increasingly stringent water discharge requirements have caused many to search for no-sodium alternative.
Why the Interest in Salt Free Water Conditioning?
Municipal water discharge restrictions
Environmental concerns
Seeking eco-friendly solutions to waste water discharge
Cost of water and regenerant
Water rationing/drought
Local bans on conventional softeners
Commercial applications with specific water chemistry needs
Do Salt-Free Alternatives Really Work?
One quick internet search reveals that there is certainly a lot of debate surrounding the many alternative solutions to conventional ion exchange water softening.
In 2011, Arizona State University* conducted research to “identify credible alternatives to ion exchange water softeners that would provide consumers with the ability to reduce the impacts of hard water without creating negative salinity impacts.”
During the study, four different types of no-sodium processes were tested to determine if they were viable alternatives to domestic ion exchange water softeners. The four processes tested were:
Electrically Induced Precipitation
Template Assisted Crystallization (TAC) or Nucleation Assisted Crystallization (NAC)
Electromagnetic Water Treatment
Capacitive Deionization
The study tested the four processes for 21 days to determine their scale reduction (CaCO3) capabilities. While all methods worked to some extent, the TAC/NAC process produced superior results with more than 90 percent scale reduction.
The study showed that TAC/ NAC is by far the most reliable and cost-effective salt-free method for treating the effects of hard water. The TAC/NAC process gives calcium and magnesium (minerals that make water hard) a “physical matrix” to which they can attach, lose their electrical charge and render them inert. Therefore, calcium and magnesium cannot scale or attach to pipes and fixtures.
WaterTech’s SaltFreeMAX is the Ideal Solution for Salt-Free Water Conditioning
WaterTech’s SaltFreeMAX incorporates nucleation assisted crystallization (NAC) technology and state-of-the-art FilterSorb SP3 media. This media is designed not to add or take anything from water — it simply changes the hardness causing minerals so they cannot cause scaling problems.
WaterTech’s SaltFreeMax has the ability to effectively reduce and prevent hard water scale from accumulating on pipes, water heaters, tubs, showers and sinks. You can also enjoy great-tasting water as the SaltFreeMax uses no salt or chemicals. Other benefits include no electrical connections, no backwashing, no salt bags, requires no drain connection, is easy to install and is virtually maintenance free!
Talk to one of our Authorized WaterTech dealers about WaterTech’s salt-free water conditioner, the SaltFreeMAX today by finding a dealer near you.
*Evaluation of Alternatives to Domestic Ion Exchange Water Softeners, Peter Fox, PhD. et al, Apr. 26, 2011.
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