Ultraviolet: When a Whole-house UV System Makes Sense

Ultraviolet water purification system for the entire home.

Millions of households use point-of-use ultraviolet (UV) systems every day at their kitchen sinks to provide clean, safe drinking water for their families.

The truth is, UV water treatment can go beyond the kitchen sink—and provide that same clean, safe disinfected water to every tap in the home.

These whole-house UV systems are known as point-of-entry (POE) systems and in this post, we’ll discuss the drawbacks of whole-house UV and when a whole-house system makes sense.

When Should UV be considered for Whole-House Applications?

Water softeners comprise the majority of home water treatment systems in the U.S., but there are times when water softening alone isn’t the right match and when a whole-house UV system makes sense. For starters, more than 15 million households rely on private wells for their drinking water. Many private wells are found to have high levels of metals and other contaminants that taint the drinking water and potentially pose a health concern. Although water softeners can remove or reduce water hardness, they are not designed to remove microbiologic contaminants commonly found in private wells.  A UV system can protect against such impurities.

Even for those not on well water but who get water from a municipal water supplier, a UV system provides a safe solution against chlorine-resistant microorganisms such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, which cause thousands of documented health cases each year

Considerations When Installing UV

UV has proven to be a quick, reliable and cost effective method of disinfecting water for both point-of-use (kitchen tap) and point-of-entry (whole-house) systems. But for UV to work effectively, you must have a very clear understanding of the constituents in your water by having your water tested.

Most water treatment professionals will recommend installing pre-filters ahead of the system which enable the UV system to work effectively. For example, if you have a high level of TDS (total dissolved solids) in your water yet do nothing to prefilter and remedy this issue, then the UV system won’t be effective at removing bacteria.

According to a report published by Edstrom Industries, “Certain contaminants in water can reduce the transmission of UV light through the water, which reduces the UV dose that reaches the bacteria. These UV absorbing contaminants include turbidity, iron, and humic and fulvic acid, common to surface water supplies. Suspended particles are a problem because microorganisms buried within particles are shielded from the UV light and pass through the unit unaffected.”

And although UV systems are virtually maintenance free, the UV lamp should be replaced on an annual basis or after 9,000 hours of use — whichever comes first.

Why Choose Whole-House UV?

Ultraviolet technology is a clean, safe, easy-to-maintain method of disinfecting water. UV disinfection systems have the ability to destroy 99.99% of harmful microorganisms without the use of heat or chemicals. UVMAX Ultraviolet water purification system

WaterTech’s whole-house UVMAX Ultraviolet system is an excellent choice for whole-house UV. Here are some of the benefits of the UVMAX:

    • Does not alter your water’s taste or odor
    • Does not waste water
    • Easy installation (no drain required)
    • Shower and bathe in clean, safe, great-feeling water
    • 3-year warranty on the ballast
    • 10-year warranty on the chamber


If you’d like a free in-home water test, an authorized WaterTech dealership can test your water and help you understand the available options for treating your water. Ask your local dealer about the UVMAX.


One Response

  1. We installed a UVMax for a customer and found a small amount of heat is produced if the bulb is left standing on for extended periods. We also found elevated temperature water entering the icemaker and thru-the-door system. The solution was to relocate the unit next to the Reionator under the home allowing time for the water to cool before delivery to a faucet or refrigerator. Worked flawlessly every since. The UVMax does require electricity.